Worcester WEA - Workers Educational Association
WEA Vision
Our vision is to be the recognised voice of adult learners, and the leading provider of adult and community learning in the UK by any standard.
WEA Mission
The WEA is a 21st Century, democratic, voluntary adult education movement, committed to widening participation and to enabling people to realise their full potential through learning.
WEA Aims
To involve learners, volunteers, members and other partners in:
• Influencing and campaigning on behalf of adult learners
• Removing barriers to learning
• Being responsive in the heart of communities
• Making the most effective use of all our resources
• Promoting learning for life
• Changing and enriching lives through learning – at individual and community levels
• Promoting adult education worldwide
WEA Values
• Creating equality and opportunity, and challenging discrimination
• Believing in people, communities and their potential to change through Education
• Putting the learner at the centre of everything we do
• Challenging and questioning ourselves