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Oakleaf Commercial Services
Oakleaf Commercial Services combines with Bespoke Joinery Services Ltd, CHG Property Services and Oakleaf Ground Services, to deliver comprehensive repairs, joinery, construction, grounds maintenance services to homes, business across Worcestershire
OCD Action
OCD is a clinically recognised disorder which affects around 1-2% of the population. It is debilitating and paralysing. People with OCD experience intensely negative, repetitive and intrusive thoughts, combined with a chronic feeling of doubt or danger (obsessions). In order to quell the thought or quieten the anxiety, they will often repeat an action, again and again (compulsions).
One of the greatest challenges that people with OCD face is the need to fight both the all pervasive stigma of mental health disorders and the widely held belief that OCD is a mild or even "quirky" problem that is nothing more than hand washing. Many people now use the term "a bit OCD-ish" without understanding the onerous nature of the disorder in its severe form.
Ombudsman Services
About the Ombudsman
If you have a problem sorting out a complaint with a gas or electricity (an energy) company, we may be able to help.
Our service has been approved by Ofgem, the body which regulates the electricity and gas markets in England, Scotland and Wales.
Our work meets the requirements of the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act, 2007. This law means that domestic and small (micro) business customers of energy companies have the right to take certain complaints to the ombudsman if the company fails to resolve the problem.
Energy customers are not charged for using our service.
Our job is to investigate complaints fairly by listening to both sides of the story and looking at the facts. We will decide what action, if any, should be taken when you and an energy company can’t agree.
If you would like to know more about the ways we will work with you and the company to resolve your complaint, click here to read the How we work page of our website. It will open in a new window .
Is the service independent?
Yes. It is essential that we are independent from the energy industry, the regulator and from consumer groups so that people can trust us to be fair. It is a key role of the Board to make sure of this.
We are a member of The Ombudsman Association (formerly the British and Irish Ombudsman’s Association (BIOA) which recognises us as independent.
Quick guide to our service
Download a quick guide to Ombudsman Services: Energy here.
Download a large print version here.
Onside Advocacy
Support to have your voice heard.
Our Way Self Advocacy
Self Advocacy means speaking up for yourself about important things that may stop you having the same opportunities in life that most people take for granted. It also means doing things for yourself, making changes happen, talking about problems, knowing your rights and responsibilities, making friends and having fun